To hire a cycle from Adventure Cycle Hire Limited you need to provide the following:
A completed hire agreement form and you need to provide a valid photo ID proving you are aged 18 years or over (this could be either a valid Passport, Drivers Licence or National ID Card). We will be required to take a copy of the photo identification, and a real-time photograph of the hirer.
You will also need to pay a £20 deposit with your debit/credit card (cash accepted).
Deposit will be returned after the hired cycle is returned.
You can pay the hire fee by card or cash.
Please note that all hirers will have a photograph taken before they depart.
All cycles are fitted with GPS Tracking systems with anti-tamper alert devices. All thieves or attempts to steal will lead to prosecution.
T’s & C’s.
Do not exceed 5 miles an hour on any of the hired cycles.
Pedestrians always have priority over the hired cycle.
Cycles to pull over to the left side of the pathway when approaching footfall or heavy traffic areas.
Stay clear of the banks and verges to the lake or events lawn ramps.
Stay on designated routes only.
Cycle in a courteous, safe manner.
All persons on the hired cycle, do so at their own risk.
The named person on the hire agreement is liable for any damage caused to the cycle or any other property or person.
Please respect the wildlife in and around the lake and park and the designated routes. Drive carefully and slowly near animals.
Late return of hire will incur noted charges.
The hirer must be aged 18 or over, other people may ride the hired cycles in the presence of the hirer.
Minors aged 11 to 17 can pedal the 4 seater cycles from the back passenger seat (right side seat), but cannot drive or control the 4 seater cycles. The hirer needs to be present during the hire duration, a person aged 18 or over can drive the 4 seater cycles.
Children aged 4-14 can sit in the (front) passenger seats, seat belts must be worn!
The hirer will lose the full deposit if seat belts are not worn in the front seats.
Minors CANNOT operate or drive the 4 seater cycles, again, you will lose your deposit and the cycle will be returned if this happens.
The 2 seater cycles must again be in the presence of the hirer, children aged 10 or over may operate these, a child aged between 4-17 may be a passenger.
There are smaller solo cycles designed for children aged between 4-10, again, the hirer must be present whilst a child operates these.
Cycle Hire Terms & Conditions
Cycles and Equipment can only be hired from Adventure Cycle Hire Limited with a completed and signed booking agreement with Terms & Conditions.
The signatory of the Terms & Conditions for each Booking must also be the cardholder or ID holder and primary Hirer.
A Booking is made by the Hirer (hereinafter referred to as ‘You’) by submitting your completed Booking Form along with your Payment.
Upon acceptance of your completed Booking, a binding contract is formed between You and Adventure Cycle Hire Limited (‘We’ hereafter) on the terms and conditions set out below. We reserve the right not to accept or fulfil a Booking, in which case any payment will be refunded. When a Booking is made by one person on behalf of another person or other people (as the case may be), the person making the booking confirms that he or she has the authority to make such Booking on behalf of the other person(s) using the cycles, regardless of age. The Hire Period commences on the day and time the cycle(s) and equipment is collected and continues until the cycle(s) and equipment is returned.
You accept responsibility for ensuring that any, and all, users of Adventure Cycle Hire Limited equipment and cycles included in the Hire covered by this agreement, comply with the terms and conditions below (where ‘You’ refers to all cyclists).
1. Your responsibilities
1.1 You are responsible for ensuring that you are physically fit enough to undertake cycling any distance using the cycle(s) you have booked. We do not accept any responsibility for your failure to complete your Hire period or chosen route due to lack of fitness, illness or injury. We will not accept any liability for death, personal injury, loss or damage to personal effects (of/to any participant), nor can We accept any responsibility for delays or changes to your period of Hire or Tour due to weather or other factors outside our control.
1.2 You accept that cycling on a public highway, cycle route, thoroughfare or track carries its own risks, and you have made your booking on the basis that you undertake the Hire and Tour at your own risk. You understand and accept that We advise the wearing of cycle helmets at all times during your rental and provide a selection of helmets, the wearing of which helmet is at the and discretion of the Hirer and rider and We take no responsibility for ensuring or guaranteeing fit of aforementioned helmets. You are hereby advised it is preferable and advised to bring your own helmet(s).
1.3 You will ride your cycle responsibly at all times. You will not hold Adventure Cycle Hire Limited responsible for any loss, damage or injury including death to persons or property with regard to use of the cycle(s) and equipment hired. You accept responsibility to indemnify Adventure Cycle Hire, its associates or agents, against any claim, interest, demand or expense in respect of any such injury or damage.
1.4 You are responsible for all cycles and equipment hired or loaned and it is your responsibility to keep the same safe from damage, loss or theft, use it in a proper manner and not subject it to any misuse or unfair wear and tear.
1.5 You will notify Adventure Cycle Hire Limited immediately of any loss, damage or theft to the hired cycles or equipment however caused. You will be responsible for paying complete costs of reparation of any such loss, damage or theft.
1.6 You will not offer for sale or otherwise part with possession of the hired cycle(s) or equipment.
1.7 The hirer and all passengers must listen to the operational safety brief given by Adventure Cycle Hire staff. Additionally, hirers must listen to the information given by staff regarding the Redway Code (set by local authorities or Council).
2.Price and Payment
2.1 In consideration of our arranging and fulfilling your Hire in accordance with these terms and conditions you agree to pay the total price for your period of Hire set out overleaf in the Booking Form in advance of the hire commencing.
2.2. A holding deposit of £20 for hire of a single cycle (additional cycles £10 each) will normally be required at the commencement of any hire period, but this may extend to a deposit to the value of the cycle(s) by credit or debit card payment or other surety as deemed sufficient depending on Our assessment of the risk and the value of the equipment. This deposit will be returned at the end of the hire period provided that:
i) any cycles and/or equipment hired or used are returned in an undamaged condition.
ii) any cycles and/or equipment hired or used are returned within the arranged hire period and at an arranged time and place.
If these terms are not complied with, We reserve the rights to charge reasonable charges until such time when cycles and/or equipment concerned have been returned. In the case of cycles and/or equipment left or returned damaged, you are responsible for any costs incurred and sustained in replacing or repairing (whichever the cheaper) the items concerned to a condition equivalent to that prior to the Hire. In all cases, Normal wear & tear as defined by the product’s manufacturer or supplier is accepted & allowed and is included in any hire price.
2.4. In all cases, the holding deposit can be used as a deposit against the costs or charges mentioned herein.
2.5. Return of eligible deposits are processed by the end of the day of hire. These returns may take up to 5 working days to appear in your account, depending on the processing speed of your bank or building society.
3. Our Liability To You
3.1 Adventure Cycle Hire Limited do not accept any responsibility for death, personal injury or direct loss suffered by the hirer. At all times you accept that cycling has inherent risks and that all equipment may fail. You accept full responsibility for ensuring cycles are roadworthy and of sound condition before embarking on your Hire Period or journey.
3.2 We will not be liable to you where any alleged loss or damage results from:
(a) any of your own actions or omissions or those of any member of your party;
(b) the action or omission of a third party not connected with the provision of your Tour; or
(c) an event or circumstances which we could not have predicted or avoided even after taking all reasonable care;
(d) an action or omission on the part of any accommodation provider or cycle hirer; or
(e) where any loss or damage is considered to be an indirect or consequential loss.
3.4 We shall have no liability to you if we are unable to full fill a Booking, in which case any payment will be refunded.
4. General
4.1 These terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement between Adventure Cycle Hire limited and supersede any previous agreement or understanding and may not be varied except in writing. All other terms, express or implied by statute or otherwise, are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.
4.2 Any notice required or permitted to be given by either of us to the other under these terms and conditions shall be in writing.
4.3 No failure or delay by either of us in exercising any of its rights under these terms and conditions shall be deemed to be a waiver of that right, and no waiver by either of us of any breach of these terms and conditions by the other shall be considered as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision.
4.4 If any provision of these terms and conditions is held by any court or other competent authority to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, the validity of the other provisions of these terms and conditions and the remainder of the provision in question shall not be affected.
4.5 Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, nothing in these terms and conditions confers or purports to confer on any third party any benefit or any right to enforce any of these terms or conditions pursuant to the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.
4.6 These terms and conditions shall be governed by English law, and both of us hereby agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
5. Privacy
5.1 Adventure Cycle Hire Limited will hold all customer information obtained at the point of hire for a period of 7 days. This information will be held, and referred to for the purposes of investigating accidents & incidents. All data will be deleted after the completion of the 7th day from hire, and will not be used for any marketing or sold to any third parties.
5.2 Adventure Cycle Hire Limited issue electronic devices to staff at the beginning of each day for the purposes of gathering booking information as specified in point 5.1 above. These devices are property of Adventure Cycle Hire Limited, are non-personal to staff, and are returned at the end of each day.
5.3 Adventure Cycle Hire Limited take a picture of all customers and their ID for the purposes in point 5.1 above, in addition to ensuring security against theft. The deletion of these pictures will commence after the 7th day from hire, and will not be shared with any third party unless required in any criminal investigation.
5.4 At the point of safety brief, a member of staff may ask for permission to take a photo for our social media & web platforms. A customer has no obligation to agree to this. If agreed, photos will only be used by Adventure Cycle Hire Limited and it's partners to enhance online presence.